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​Constitution of the Romanian Student Association of Carleton University
November 22, 2012

​Article 1 - Name​

The name of the organization shall be the Romanian Student Association of Carleton University, CU, referred in what follows as RSACU, or the Association.


Article 2 - Aims


• To organize social, cultural, and educational activities that can provide a basis for consolidation of fellowship among its members.

• To welcome newly arrived or prospective Carleton University Romanian students 
and provide to them assistance and information about life in Ottawa and Gatineau and events organized by RSACU.

• To disseminate information about Romanian culture, history, traditions, and language to interested students.


Article 3 - Membership

• RSACU membership shall be open to any interested party from our university, in accordance with Carleton’s Human Rights Policies and Procedures.

• Spouses of the above-mentioned members who are not CU students/faculty/staff shall be eligible to become affiliated members of RSACU. Affiliated members will enjoy all the same rights as the other members, except for the right of occupying positions in the Executive Committee.

• Affiliated membership will also be open to interested students from other universities in Ottawa and Gatineau.

• Admission shall be made upon request.

• Membership shall be free of charge.



Article 4 – Executive Committee

• The Executive Committee shall take the policy decisions and shall be elected into office during the General Election that will be organized within the first four weeks of the Fall semester. The Executive Committee shall include the following officers:
1. President,
2. Undergraduate Vice-President,
3. Graduate Vice-President,
4. Secretary,
5. Treasurer.

The decisions of the Executive Committee are taken with the approval of at least three of its members.

• Responsibilities of each executive committee member:

The President of RSACU shall:
a) be the chair of all Executive Committee meetings and of all General Meetings.
b) present an annual report of RSACU activities and events at the end of his term in office
c) represent RSACU in its relations with Carleton University and with Romanian student associations from other universities
d) appoint upon the end of the elections the Secretary and the Treasurer
e) appoint RSACU officers for the positions of Information Technology Manager and Social Chair
f) coordinate the activities of RSACU officers
g) be the signatory of all official documents of RSCAMU
h) approve all expenditures of RSACU

The Undergraduate Vice-President of RSACU shall:
a) represent the interests of undergraduate student members of RSACU
b) maintain and update a list of all undergraduate student members of RSACU
c) chair the Executive Committee meeting in the absence of the President
d) be responsible with coordinating the organization of events and activities

The Graduate Vice-President of RSACU shall:
a) represent the interests of graduate student members of RSACU
b) maintain and update a list of all graduate student members of RSACU
c) assume the responsibilities of the President in his prolonged absence (over one month)
d) be responsible with coordinating the organization of events and activities together with the Undergraduate Vice-President of RSACU
e) foster communication between graduate and undergraduate members of RSACU

The Secretary of RSACU shall:
a) take the minutes of Executive Committee meetings
b) write a short report of each Executive Committee meeting and disseminate it electronically to all RSACU members
c) maintain a record of all correspondence and documents of RSACU
d) maintain and update a complete list of RSACU members’ contact information

The Treasurer of RSACU shall:
a) keep a clear evidence of RSACU funds and expenditures
b) pay the bills under the direction of the Executive Committee
c) investigate ways in which to attract additional funding for RSACU
d) produce an annual financial statement
e) be able to provide information about the RSACU financial status upon request

• The term of office for all Executive Committee members shall terminate two weeks after the new elections are held.

• The RSACU Executive Committee welcomes suggestions and input from otherassociation members.

Article 5 - Meetings

• An Executive Committee Meeting shall be held at least once per month.

• General Meetings shall be held at least once every year. General Meetings shall be scheduled during the Spring or the Fall Term and should be announced at least seven days in advance. All members of the Executive Committee need to attend the General Meeting.


Article 6 - Elections

• General Elections for the positions of President, Undergraduate Vice-President and Graduate Vice-President shall be held once per year, during a General Meeting.

• The Executive Committee will be responsible with the organization of the elections.

• Only Carleton University students can candidate for positions in the Executive Committee.

• If there are at least two candidates for the same position, the voting process shall be secret.

• A General Election will qualify as such and any election results and assumption of office will be legitimate if and only if at least two thirds of the RSACU members are present.

• To be elected, a candidate shall obtain the majority of the votes. In case of a tie, a second round of elections shall be held.


Article 7 - Resignation and/or Removal from Office

• The removal from office of an Executive Committee member can be pursued with the unanimous consensus of all other Executive Committee members.

• Resignation from office can be pursued by a member of the Executive Committee under special circumstances.

• The Executive Committee needs to unanimously approve the appointment of a new officer in case a position is left open. The appointed officer will occupy the position until the next General Meeting of the Association is held.


Article 8 - Constitutional Amendments

• Constitutional Amendments need to be proposed by RSACU members at least two weeks before the General Elections.

• The Executive Committee shall decide by majority vote whether to call vote on the amendment during the General Election Meeting.

• The amendment can pass by the vote of two thirds of the RSACU members.

Article 9 - Clause

• All RSACU members shall agree to abide by the rules and regulations hereby established. This Constitution and the amendments to it shall be subject to periodical review by the Executive Committee.

RSA Constitution

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